
Monday 28 January 2013

Elaine Looney, Cork College of Commerce, Morrison's Island, Cork city, Ireland.

A Cork City teacher who's as ignorant and coarse as a wild pig
Elaine Looney is a backward unintelligent imbecile
with the mentality of a sink-estate thug. She and
quite a few of her colleagues aren't any better than these two wild boars. It's disgusting that pieces-of-shit like them are employed in a college.
Elaine Looney is not only a perfect example of Ireland’s grade-inflation, but also a primary reason why anthropologists should be studying the kind of people who can be found teaching in Ireland.
This “lady” is as aggressive and as coarse as a lobotomised baboon, and that in combination with her slack-jawed dumbness and obesity makes for one extremely fucked-up moron.
One student had cause to make three complaints regarding the aggressive behaviour of this inbred Irish (Idiotic Repulsive Inbred Shit Head) cunt. Her behaviour was of a type that wouldn’t even be expected from patients in a psychiatric hospital.
This unstable piece-of-shit just would not give up; kept coming back after each complaint to have another go. And what was the solution after the third complaint? Ah sure, begob and begorrah, ya remove the student from the class – says a lot about this college’s policy, doesn’t it?
The solution didn’t bother the student in question too much as more would be learned watching two ape's fucking. It was though an insight into what passes for an educational system in Ireland.
Ms Looney (very suitable name) wouldn't get a job anywhere else in Europe if it didn’t involve using a mop and bucket, yet the mongrels in south-west Ireland see fit to employ her a “teacher”. Of course this explains all the witless bastards that this part of Ireland produces.
It’s no wonder that two American executives (one worked for Google) have publicly expressed concern about the large numbers of witless and idiotic Irish graduates attending for interview and showing excellent exam results. These morons would prove within the time it took to conduct the interview, by their complete idiocy, that they were incapable of achieving any type of decent exam grades without grade-inflation or cheating – some of them with college pass certificates have the reading and writing ability of 8-year-olds.
We’d certainly love to know where Ms Looney got her teaching certificate: the only certainty is that she could have only got it in the Republic of Ireland. In other parts of the world they don’t dish out teaching certificates, like confetti, to halfwitted and ignoramus morons – there’s absolutely no way that this slack-jawed inbred cunt legitimately qualified as a teacher.
Elaine Looney isn’t the only backward imbecile on this college's staff; but she’s definitely in the top-three when it comes to unstableness and coarseness. It’s no wonder that Cork College of Commerce, along with SOLAS (formerly FAS), is blacklisted across Europe as laughable institutions whose "graduates" are to be avoided at all costs.
Cork College of Commerce is managed by a shameless coterie of mongrels and has nothing of any value going for it, it’s one of the more laughable of Irish educational institutions – but just one among many in south-west Ireland. It’s the nearest that’ll be got to chimpanzees attempting to teach baboons how to read and write.
Discussing Cork's rampant backwardness with some Eastern Europeans, who had lived there for a short period, I was amused that they pointed out how there are currently "no dogs or Irish" signs in windows across parts of Europe, and added that "the backward Oirish deserve to be vilified".
If they experienced inbred backward Paddy bitches, like Elaine Looney, it's no wonder they think and speak like this.

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